It started with a rescue

My name is Joe and this is my dog, Mila. I adopted her from the shelter in Berlin in 2018. Back then she was just 1.5 years old.

Sure I had dogs before. Growing up in the UK, my family had 3 Labradors and a German Shepherd. But Mila was different.

Abandoned 2 times before she met me, her anxiety meant she could not handle city life, let alone meet other dogs, which usually led to severe aggression.

I read books and watched all the YouTube videos. Mila knew all the commands. But no matter how much obedience training we did, she was still reactive in the city and aggressive towards other dogs.

In 2020 I met one of the best dog trainers in the world, Hatu González.

As the pack leader of 40+ dogs in Berlin, he took Mila under his wing. After 6 weeks in the pack, she was a totally different dog.

Fascinated by the transformation, I joined Hatu’s team and he trained me how to manage and walk my own pack – with no leashes.

After passing my dog walker exams I am officially certified by the Veterinary Association of Germany to walk 20 dogs off-leash.

Enter the pack

New life in Brussels

In 2023 I moved to Brussels and now successfully train dogs on my own.

If you want learn how to create a happy and harmonious life with your dog, send me a message!